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2003-10-22 - 10:59 a.m.

ok. i guess i need to explain why i havent been writing so much recently, and whats been going on in my life. the last post i wrote was when me n chris split up.

it was all my fault. my ex boyfriend kuissed me, and i let him, and then i told chris. he was really hurt, and he finished it straight away. its all ok now, we got together after a week, but it was hard for a couple of days, and i cut myself up. not as bad as i used to, but enough to worry my family.

me n chris's relationship has been seriosuly rocky over the last couple of months. a couple of weeks ago, we broke up again. chris's ex girlfriend came back to chester, and met me, and then she decided she wanted to get back together with him. and he dumped me. i mean, how harsh is that? i was so upset, but i dealt with it. i thought it wasfinally over, i thought him n rachel would get back together, and yet i stayed so calm. i didnt cut myself, i didnt cry too much, i just dealt. so im kinda thinking that maybe everything was for the better, cos at least it has made me realise that i can deal with difficult sitations, and i can deal without cutting myself to peices.

anyway. we r back together now. the thing with rachel fell through, and i took him back. i dont know whather i am being stupuid or not, but i love him, and i figure that if it makes me happy, it cant be all bad.

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